
ProcessProcess management

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Integrity Solidarity Innovation Excellence

     SMF has established a complete quality management system in accordance with ISO9001 standards and has passed the quality system certification.

     The company regularly organizes customer satisfaction surveys and on-site visits, formulates 6 Sigma projects based on the suggestions and      requirements of the market and customers, and regularly organizes 6 Sigma project meetings to ensure the implementation of the project.

Contact information

Add:No.7 Miaoxing Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China

Factory run:+86-0516-87790222 HR:+86-0516-87798078 Technology:+86-0516-87790298 Sale:+86-0516-87790018

Purchase:0516-87735958 Equipment:0516-87790038 Fax: +86-516-87790058


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